Yeah, as you all know I'm 18 and counting days untuk ambil result SPM :) And hell yeah, the day comes much faster than I thought it should be *damn it. Its just around the corner, atau dengan lebih tepat, its will be announce in at least the next 36 hours. My batch, has this errr a freaking lunatic weirdos group *which I dont really knows its actual purpose in Facebook. Most of the time, function group tu just untuk membahan orang je HAHAHA. Okayokay back to the story, haa so the group members starts asking bout pukul berapa nak datang, naik apa or so. And for once, this group ada benefit rupa nya! :p But benda yang paling semua orang risau, proper clothing, *tudung, hair, shirts, baju kurung or eg. Macam nak rak semua tanya HAHAHAHA. Seriously, they seems like they care bout pakaian the most than the result. Konon matured, dah habis sekolah. Tunjuk kat junior, hihi. Ahhh and by the way, untuk semua yang ambil result SPM 2010 wish you guys best of luck!
P/s: Print screen some of it. Bangga lah korang masuk blog aku hihi
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