Friday 12 August 2011

Matriculation programme :)

Its been  while since my last post aint? Yeah i'm quite busy, my schedule sangat packed. I've start my day at 8, finish at 5pm. Durhh, sangat memenatkan rightt? Hmm I've been here for at least 2 months here, and i'm just done doing my UPS which stands fr Ujian Pertengahan Semester. Quite easy, but banyak careless mistakes. Stupid =.= Hmm so i'm just doing fine, instead of ramai orang cakap programme ni sangat susah, they never told me bout keseronokan ada kat sini :) I've met a lot of nice people, and my roommates of course, they came from Kelantan and Terengganu ! Yeah, fr org yang kenal Nur Aliyya Farihah, they must've known that me myself, ANTI KELANTANESE. HAHAHA God is teasing me aint? Laagi kaaaaaaan, I've met ramai, I mean, RAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIII kawan lama ! Even kawan yang dah lost contact ever since Form 1, which came from SSP (Sekolah Seri Puteri,Cyberjaya) yang merupakan sekolah lama saya isk isk juga ada :) I also met this guy, my kawan lamaaaa, diff school, just kawan tuition when i'm Form 3 :) So lemme introduce you guys to my BFF here, Ifah from Terenganu, Geetha from Tampin, Kirtheene from PJ, Aim from Terengganu ! :) Gambar upload later yeeee :)

Friday 22 April 2011

Iza Moktar, Bubu

Iza Moktar, cepat lah balik Carjunk *Hahah macam budak rempiwtzz selalu guna. Euwwww, LAME. I miss bubu so muchh. Dia mesti dah besar en en? Tapi I miss you more! Rasa macam nak pergi JB jeee jumpa kau :( Tsk tsk tsk balik lah Kajang, aku dah takde kawan nak lepak lagi :|

Pics of Bubu :(

Rindu nyaaaa kat Iza Moktar and bubu :|

Wednesday 20 April 2011

1Malaysia email accounts

I read Star just now, and bang! An email accounts for each Malaysian above 18 that cost RM 50 mil? Maaaaaaan I'm not an anti-gov but, 50 MIL? What thaaa? HELLO ! 50 mil bucks maybe doesn't seem much on you, Yang Berhormat Datuk Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak but on us? What a waste. We can create any email account for FREE since the Internet was first discovered. Daymm, we are talking about duit rakyat, which every Malaysian paid for cukai and etc. Hell I can't see the benefit of this stupid idea. Tujuan, to receive statements, bills and notices from the Government. So LAME. Kenapa tidak guna je email yang sedia ada create by the owner himself? Does gov cut subsidies, for this? Bila rakyat kena ikat perut untuk bayar duit minyak yang tak sampai 6 bulan dah naik, which consequently menaikkan harga barang, dengan gaji yang maintain tak naiknaik, where's your "Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan" ?  And please, wake up! Its 21st century, even an eight years old kid has an email. Why should we waste on something that we don't need? Durrhhh =.=

P/s: Dear my beloved Prime Minister, please be wiser in the future. Ni belum masuk pasal Datin Seri Rosmah Mansur lagi.

Sunday 10 April 2011


Lately, ada chaos yang ditimbulkan oleh AYAM or Angkatan Youtubers Anak Malaysia. Antara member dalam club AYAM ni termasuk lah Anwar Hadi and Mat Luthfi ni. Okay sebenar nya mungkin AYAM ni tak wujud, but nvm laaaaaah. Hihi sorry tiru ayat Anwar Hadi on this vid,

How to start ek? Hmmm okay I know ramai yang minat pada owner nama ni. For those who do not know Mat Lutfi, he is an active Vlogger or in another sense it, video blog.
But somehow, I'm not really into him. I lagi minat Anwar Hadi, who is also an active vlogger :) Maybe lebih ramai yang minat Mat Luthfi but for me, Anwar Hadi lah the best! 4 thumbs up hihi. Tadi siap boleh berdebat pulaaa kat fb pasal diorang ni hihi. Masingmasing backup Mat Luthfi. But anyway, masingmasing ada taste and minat yang tersendiri. As for me, I'll stick to Anwar Hadi cause he's sooooooooooooo cool :p

P/s: Azfar Hadi tetap paling cool HAHHAHA!

Bukit Katil, Melaka

I'm updating blog kat *jyeah as you can see BUKIT KATIL. Okay come on gelak lah I know you guys nak gelakkan nama area ni en. Ni actually kampung sebelah ayah *doesnt look like a kampung at all. Haaa sebenar nya, dah taktahu nak update apaaaa. Memang boring gilaaaa lah. Eh okay so nak cerita pasal lauk tadi lah hihi. I just ate, jyeaaaaah at 1445 pretty late aint? Ha so the lauks are, Burung Puyuh masak Sambal, Ikan Keli masak Lemak Cili Api, Daging Itik masak Rendang and Ikan Keli Panggang. Hahaha tempting kaaaaaaan? Sedap gila! Hm tapi before makan, I look out for template baru untuk blog ni. Malas dah nak cari, leceh :p Lepas dah boring  tu, mula lah mainmain dengan webcam berangan semua adaa HAHAHA. 

Okay fine semua muka bajet en dah tahu dah okay terima kasih

Sunday 3 April 2011

Mines International Exhibition & Convention Centre (MIECC)

So semalam, I went to The Mines for the Jom Masuk U exhibition. Rasa nya macam almost semua orang tahu about this fair ni kan. Its actually an educational fair, banyak Uni and college either IPTA or IPTS join this fair. So banyak juga info dapat kat sini. Pasal scholarships, and pendedahan on course that we can or want to choose based on our result :) So I went with Iza Moktar, my best friend. Bila dah sampai kat dalam mall, kitorang run into the twins, Phoebe and Tiara. Then tanya orang how to go to the fair, semua orang like "Ha apa? Hm kat mana ya lupa lah" Macam apa entah, geram je. Padahal semua baru balik dari fair tu. Dah bengang sangat, kitorang main jalan je :p Then jumpa juga lah akhir nya. So kitorang tengok on Taylors, UiTM, USM and lot of others. Dalam fair pulaa, we run into Ummu, and Zahirah. OMG Semua look damn gorgeous ohh! Lepas dah habis pusing dalam tu, I, Iza Moktar, Phoebe, Tiara, Ummu and Zahirah went to Popeye's :D Yeah makannn, haha memang gemuk en. Then I dengan Iza balik awal, sebab Azfar Hadi nak jumpa hihi. Sorry Iza :p Bila dah hantar Iza Moktar balik, I went to see Azfar kat mapley. Huh huh penat gilaaa. Balik dalam 6.30 pm pastu naik bilik buka air cond terus tidur sampai pukul 10 pm. Haha teruk betul perangai :p Anyway, we had a greattt time on that day :)

P/s: I love my kawan <3 <3 <3

Monday 21 March 2011


I'm totally into this song. Yes, Imma Bieber die hard fans. Hihi